NEXT-SUS: Design For Impact
It is estimated that as much as 7 million tons of plastic are added to waterways each year.
As the amount of disposable packaging and products continues to increase, controlling litter through public education and cleanup of streets and waterways requires significant and sustained attention.
As part of the community, I want to make impacts in line with RISD sustainable principles. This project aims to investigate effective engagement strategies to raise the awareness of reducing and eliminating unnecessary single-use plastic products for better marine conservation. Running through a semester, I try to manage a series of different formats of research and compaigns, including:
1. Future Fossil Collection: Rhode Island Beach Cleanup and Analysis
2. Downtown Providence Discount Coffee Map
3. Zero-Waste Opening Night for RISD ID Triennial Show
4. NEXT-SUS: A Brochure of Pratical Plan Responds to RISD's Negative Impact on the Earth.